Update: 5th June
The council have issued the following update in regard to the scheme timeline:
"In May 2023 SDCC commenced engagement with the local community regarding the upgrading and modernisation of Rosemount Shopping Centre and its environment.
After a series of consultations with relevant stakeholders a preferred option emerged and this option can be seen in the image below. This option was brought to Part VIII planning where a formal public consultation was held.
The public consultation had 90% support for the scheme and in November 2023 the proposals were formally approved by Councillors with minor amendments (sheltered seating and bike parking to be added to the scheme).
SDCC have now completed the detailed design and procurement of a contractor for the scheme.
Construction Phase
SDCC are happy to say that the construction works will be undertaken by Clonmel Enterprise Ltd. who have completed a number of similar projects on our behalf recently. They come with a very good reputation for quality work and good public relations.
Clonmel Enterprises Ltd. will be engaging with stakeholders directly in the coming weeks and will also provide contacts details for site management
Works are due to commence onsite on 6th August 2024 but prior to this Clonmel will be setting out the works and establishing a compound area to the South of the car park.
Clonmel will provide details on the work phases and will work to minimise disruption and uncertainty for residents and traders.
It is intended to have the majority of work completed before the end of the year."
South Dublin County Council are planning a major upgrade to the Rosemount District Centre with the aim of creating an environment that will promote and sustain a rich and vibrant district centre. Features of the development include:
Reassignment of road space for cycle / pedestrian facilities, and better network connections
Enhancement/enlargement of public realm
Efficient car park layouts
Sustainable communities for all ages and disability Support
Removal of street clutter and minimisation of signage, with landscape design that will increase trees and planting.
EV Charging options and provision of public lighting
Active Play & teen space with the focus on natural measures
The long term maintenance considerations
Stakeholder engagement sessions took place on the 31st May and 28th June with the launch of the part 8 process in the Rua centre on the 7th September.
The Part 8 process is the method by which members of the public may make submissions on the proposed plans which will be taken into consideration by the designers before putting the final proposed plan before Councillors. This process opened on Friday 8th September and runs for 6 weeks.
The outline plans, images and information for the project is available to view in Ballyroan Library or online at the below website.
Submissions can be made online at https://consult.sdublincoco.ie/ or by post to South Dublin County Council.
If you require any assistance making a submission or would like to discuss any aspect of the plan, please contact me by e-mail mlynch@cllrs.dublincoco.ie or mobile 083 417 7969.